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HB9FDZ-1's UI-View32 Web Server

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The following is a list of all the stations heard on RF in the past 60 minutes.

'+' or '-' before a callsign means that it it is a UI-View station
'*' after a callsign means that it was heard via a digi

The list only includes callsigns heard on RF, direct or via digipeaters. It does not include callsigns heard on the internet, or heard as third-party RF traffic via IGATEs. You can search for other callsigns by inputting them in the box below and clicking the Search button.


There are 24 callsigns in the list, click a callsign to get an information page for that station

CallsignSymbolLocation KmBearingLast heard
 DB0ED*(1) Digi48.17.16N 012.02.00E228.565Mai 18 05:18
 DB0FIGDigi47.41.27N 009.26.39E31.127Mai 18 05:51
 DB0LC-2*WX Station47.34.39N 009.50.24E46.671Mai 18 05:37
 DB0OAL*Digi47.33.58N 010.46.73E115.883Mai 18 05:11
 DB0ZKN*(1) Digi47.39.34N 009.10.40E24.9346Mai 18 05:40
 DC2TH-9*Car47.43.42N 009.28.43E35.928Mai 18 05:45
 DD5LF*Home (HF)47.43.55N 009.23.07E33.517Mai 18 05:35
 DL2MEN*Home47.33.24N 010.01.60E59.877Mai 18 05:48
 DL4GP-3*Car47.44.89N 009.30.47E39.529Mai 18 05:13
 DL8GAK-10*(I) Diam'd48.04.21N 009.56.69E87.436Mai 18 05:31
 DL9GJ-4*WX Station47.38.54N 010.02.37E63.569Mai 18 05:48
 DO9KJ-10*HF Gateway47.39.60N 009.35.25E35.346Mai 18 05:34
 HB3XCB-9*Car47.21.93N 008.50.56E32.0256Mai 18 05:53
 HB9BB*Antenna47.08.82N 009.25.87E35.1157Mai 18 05:54
 HB9ELZ-10*Yagi47.22.98N 008.54.08E27.2257Mai 18 05:28
 HB9KOM-1(R) Diam'd47.24.66N 009.10.45E6.6243Mai 18 05:45
 HB9LU-10*(I) Diam'd47.02.64N 008.16.40E86.1240Mai 18 05:47
 HB9LU-12*(I) Diam'd47.01.67N 008.12.98E90.8240Mai 18 05:30
 HB9RP-10*Circle (0)47.12.64N 008.11.74E83.8253Mai 18 05:45
 HB9ZF-1*HF Gateway47.17.27N 008.52.88E32.6239Mai 18 05:42
 HB9ZF-3*HF Gateway47.29.42N 008.39.48E45.2278Mai 18 05:30
 OE9XKV-10*HF Gateway47.23.29N 009.45.01E38.098Mai 18 05:25
 OE9XMH-10*(R) Diam'd47.10.83N 009.49.53E52.0123Mai 18 04:58
 OE9XPT-6*WX Station47.03.79N 009.53.01E63.4131Mai 18 05:51

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It was last modified 2012-Jun-11 10:45:20 UTC